Plan for the posts

I created a plan which has all my posts for FMP in order. I’ve added numbers to each post, so by looking at this plan it might be easier to find where is a particular research or information as well as see the process, what I did first, second and so on.

30. Change in the duration of the final video

At the beginning of the project I was aiming for 10 minutes and was even thinking that I would be able to do more. During the process of editing I realized that I might not have enough material (footage, pictures and research) due to the lack of time. If I would have started this project…

29. Project Development

My initial idea was based on one single idea, which is “What is A Moment ?”. I didn’t have many ideas as to what should I research and would it be relevant to the main objective. “What is a moment ?” is quite a philosophical question and as I mention towards the end of the…

28. Reflection & Evaluation 9th-16th May

This was one of the last weeks to get a my videos sent to my laptop and start editing the final piece. I got my third roll of camera developed, and started researching a bit more to post and maybe find out something new to use in my project. What I found out had a…

27. Is my Project Ethical ?

After I have finished my project I carefully rewatched everything and made sure I don’t impose my opinions on anyone, and that there isn’t anything that can offend anyone. I also added Russian subtitles for the whole video as well as English subtitles for when people speak in Russian in some parts of the video.…


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