28. Reflection & Evaluation 9th-16th May

This was one of the last weeks to get a my videos sent to my laptop and start editing the final piece.

I got my third roll of camera developed, and started researching a bit more to post and maybe find out something new to use in my project. What I found out had a great impact on my project, like the research about film photography and one about the history of photography. The last one actually is a whole part of my video.

I filmed most of the little “interviews” that week and was thinking of getting a video film camera, however decided I will use presets and filters for that.

Throughout the whole project I was also taking many Polaroid pictures, which I that week decided to stick all on the wall to make a point towards the end of my video. It turned out great, even better than I expected.

It was also a bit of a stressful week because I wanted everything to be as organized as possible and was struggling to post everything on the blog (which I’ve been researching and collecting all this time).

However, that taught me that I should always keep everything organized all the time so that towards the end of the projects I don’t struggle to organize some parts.

Even though that distracted me for a couple of days it also gave me an even bigger motivation to finish the project and created a little bit of a different final look for it (in terms of the order of videos and the final titles). So it had a good impact, and luckily I was almost done by the end of the week with everything I had planned for this project.

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