15. Relection & Evaluation 26th April – 2nd May

As I have been documenting everything around me for the past 2-3 weeks, I faced a problem towards the end of the month. I realized that because my video camera is too big to carry around all the time I managed to mostly take only photos, and not that many videos. Now because my FMP is going to be a video with an addition of picture throughout it I had to come up with a solution for being able to film more.

First and most important point of the solution had to be – comfortability. What I mean by that is that I had to able to carry the camera with me at all times, so the size of it mattered a lot. I was thinking of getting a kids camera from Amazon which is about a kids hand size. Unfortunately the quality of it is really bad and I wanted the viewer to be able to enjoy the video with a high quality. I asked for advice from both my family and peers from class and they all agreed that I could just use my phone and film horizontally. However, I knew it’s not going to have the right feeling in it if I do it using my phone.

I had some money saved for a couple of months and I decided it was worth spending on a smaller video camera. I can also use it after the end of FMP since I want to improve my editing and filming skills.

Fortunately this issue was solved and I was then able to start filming everything I can!

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