6. Reflection & Evaluation 22nd – 29th March

On the second week of FMP I remembered that I had a footage I haven’t used, which I filmed in February. Still not being too sure with the main idea and purpose of my topic I decided to edit the material and see if I’ll get some inspiration or at least practice from it.

Since my main inspiration came from a single video I’ve seen, I thought of making something similar yet with my own illustrations, patterns and colors. (Here’s a link to the post with my main inspiration: https://viktoriiakryzhanovskacsvpa.wordpress.com/2021/05/11/main-inspiration/ )

When looking through the videos I’ve made I also realized that the style I was going to be editing in works well with the theme of the videos. The two main “actors” in the video are my grandpa and my little brother, who represent two absolutely different generations. Therefore collage and grainy preset gave the finished film a vintage, sentimental and a meaningful look. (Here’s a link to the video, and the process video: https://viktoriiakryzhanovskacsvpa.wordpress.com/2021/04/17/process-video-for-souls-connect/ , https://viktoriiakryzhanovskacsvpa.wordpress.com/2021/04/16/experimental-video-for-fmp/)

What I can say after making the video is that it definitely showed me the way I should be moving forward in and cleared my thoughts a little, so that I could also focus on thinking about the style and learning about new techniques to incorporate into the video.

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