What inspires you?

A Rainy Day in New York

The movie “A Rainy Day in New York” was directed and written by Woody Allen. It was filmed in 2019 in New York City.

I have chosen this film as one of my biggest inspirations because I am fascinated by the way it was filmed. The whole story is filmed as one day. We can see all of the characters throughout the “rainy day in New York” and how their journey changes depending on the circumstances and people they meet.

I love how all the small details all gather up an atmosphere and an image of New York. Woody Allen portrayed the city through the dialect people spoke and the places they visited. (eg. Central Park)

There is a constant feeling of chaos and hurry in all the scenes, even thought they all differ from one another. This mainly describes New York and all its’ vibrance.

Almost everyone is aware how massive is New York, and how contrasting the population is there. However, in the movie, everyone are somehow connected and know each other. This is also one of the many things I noticed and loved in the movie. It highlights the idea of connections and opportunities present in the city. People meet other people accidentally and in surprising places.

Furthermore, the cast includes an artist I’m quite a fan of (Selena Gomez) and one of my favorite actors (Timothée Chalamet). Timothée represents an idea of uncertainty, meaning he shows that sometimes you can be unaware of your next steps or what you want to do in life. Selena studies and and is almost sure what she wants to do and is doing it. That’s a contrast, and the chemistry between them is as unusual as their characters.

Lastly, I want to highlight that the whole movie is very light and seems to be very easy to watch as well as leave a pleasant after feeling. However, there are lots of hidden meanings and historical references in it, which is why I think it is a big inspiration for me. It looks simple on the outside, but is not in the inside.

Bibliography: Bradshaw, P., 2020. A Rainy Day In New York Review – Woody Allen Romance Is A Damp Squib | Peter Bradshaw’s Film Of The Week. [online] the Guardian. Available at: <https://www.google.ru/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/film/2020/jun/04/a-rainy-day-in-new-york-review-woody-allen-timothee-chalamet-elle-fanning&gt; [Accessed 1 October 2020].

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